Basic OOPS Concepts

OOPSObject Oriented Programming Structure
  • Object
  • Class
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction


  Object is a real time entity; every object has its own behavior. Object is instance of a Particular class. We can instance more than one object for the class, using this object we can access class methods

Object is a collection of data members (variables) and member functions (methods).

    Without creating an object we can’t access the member functions, methods in a class.


  In real time examples for the objects are Car, Bike, Mobile, Bicycle and etc. Car can have accessories like wheels, lights, glasses, seats etc .we can call directly it has car instead of all the accessories names and its own behavior.

Object can be physical and logical.

Note: - Object may be same but Places (Address) are different. For example Two same company, same model cars but placing location is different.


Class is collection of data members, member functions, properties and etc grouped into a single unit.
 To create a class we will use class key word with name and access modifier.
By using class we can access all methods, variables and properties in that class. we can create more than one object for one class.
We have above object car different models alto, Suzuki, Benz all comes under Car Class,
Mobile objects Nokia, Samsung etc all comes under Cell Phone Class.


 Inheritance is the process of deriving the features form Base/Parent class to Derived/Child class. In real time example is human being, like children’s has some of the qualities of their Parents.
By default every class will be inherited from System.Object class having default methods
  1.  Equals()
  2.  GetHashCode()
  3.  GetType()
  4.  ToString()
1)      Reducing the size of the program
2)      Code Re-usability we are using parent class methods and properties
3)      Will save the time too.

Inheritance Types:-
  • Single level inheritance
  • Multilevel inheritance
  • Hybrid inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance  
  • Single level inheritance: -
       One parent class will inherited to one child class called single level inheritance.
    By using Child class object we can access all Parent class fields, properties, methods, variables and etc 


    Multi level inheritance
            Base class is derived to child class and child class is derived to another child class called multi level inheritance.
    By using child class object we can access all Parent class fields, properties, methods, variables.


The word polymorphism means Many forms, For Example A Person can act as Stundent in the school, act as Son at home and etc.

Polymorphism can be Run time or Compile time we also called as Static Binding(Compile time or early binding) and Dynamic Binding(Run Time or Late binding).

1) Static Polymorphism:
 i) Method overloading
 ii) Operator Overloading

 i) Method overloading:
 Same method name and return type with diffent types or number of Parameters called method overloading

1) Run Time Polymorphism:
